Prophecies for the future and letters of visitors from the future world

The first part was posted on November 5, 2016, as one of my blogs for Japanese and there were many subscribers, which was entered Best 5 in that.

Some posts are hit, and some are not.

This English post is a compilation on the articles of the following four persons, prophets and people from the future.

Quote: from the followings,
Craig Hamilton UK psychic (over 70% hit rate, 2018 edition)
・ Future people from 2062 (2010 remarks)
・ Mr. Philip, a military time traveler from 2075
Added Joseph Tetel’s latest prophecy (mainly 2-3 years from 2020)

*This post is a translation from the Japanese version of the Suchitoo’s blog.

After 2021

・ The EU flag will be revised, and a star mark like the one on the US flag will be added to the corner of the flag, forming the European Union Army.

・ China plunges into recession due to economic collapse, angry people start protests, but this is not a revolution that overthrows the administration (a part of democratization).

・ World War III lasts 3.5 years.
・ In 2025, SpaceX’s rocket will realize manned flight to Mars.
・ Domination by digital currency:
China is closest to the darkest forces and is trying to dominate all digital currencies around the world. It has already begun. This is not like Bitcoin. Bitcoin will eventually plummet. From now on, please use cash as much as possible.

・ Water concession and control:
Water prices soar in the United States, China and Japan.
Water will have the same value as gold.
Groundwater is polluted due to oil leaks from pipelines and fracture (hydraulic fracturing). As a result, rivers and water will run out in the United States, China, and Japan.
A company like “Nestle” will establish a subsidiary to pump water and sell it in bottles.
Control people by using the water resources of the land that the government has taken away since it becomes difficult to use due to fires etc.

About the arrival of the tribulation and the need to raise the spirit:
From 2025 to 2032, cataclysms will occur on Earth.
In July 2025, the Earth’s pole shift will begin rapidly. Everything heats up; the glaciers melt down and wash away everything. Super-large earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions occur.

・ Edgar Cayce and others predicted that California would fall apart and sink into the ocean after a major earthquake. In such a situation, money is completely useless. Rather, it makes no sense.

After 2030 

・ Completion of sarcophagus at Fukushima nuclear power plant-in 2030
・ The Northern Territories (four islands) and Takeshima (island in the sea of Japan) are Japanese territory.
・ Emigration order issued to residents of the Republic of Kiribati.
・ Amazon forests disappear
・ Japan shifts from fishing to aquaculture.
・ Causes of abnormal weather-not only due to global warming, but also due to any other multiple factors.

After 2062

・ English has become the official language of the world, but it is not a universal language. Works well in all languages. This will be understood within 10 years (The prophecy was in 2010, so is it now?). Are you learning English steadily? It doesn’t a matter at all. English itself (in 2062) is not important and native language is sufficient.

・ No country is in conflict with Japan.
・ The Japanese flag has not changed from current the Hinomaru (rising sun flag).
・ The capital of Japan remains “Tokyo”.
・ The number of prefectures in Japan is 53 as of 2062 (47 as of 2021).
・ The division of Japan is divided by state and divided into prefectures.
・ Japan has not been invaded by China, China has disappeared long time ago, and the emperor system continues.
・ The emperor system continues to be male.
・ Japanese troops are stationed in the newly acquired territory (Self-Defense Forces do not exist).
・ The only Yokosuka base remains in Japan as a US military base.
・ The Japanese army owns about 120 aircraft carriers and about 50 airborne aircraft carriers (I forgot its details).
・ All domestic weapons such as laser guns and plasma cannons are domestically produced.
・ The pension system is continuing, and although you can get a pension, you will have a big problem (I don’t know how to explain, but you should avoid relying on a pension).
・ Long-term care insurance is functioning.

・ It is important to maintain a connection with the spirit guide, to be in the best possible condition, and to love yourself first, regardless of whether you are an angel or whatever. After that, it is most important to meet others. From now on, it will be necessary to create a sacred place in your own house, such as a temple, meditate, and connect with a spirit guide. It may be the tribulation in the Bible. The world population will decrease to one-third.

*From the editor: Thank you for reading. I hope the toddler in the photo to have a world where he can spend his time with peace of mind.

One thought on “Prophecies for the future and letters of visitors from the future world”

  1. Great Vlog Mac. Hope to see you soon and I’ll practice my mediation with the beads you gave me with prayers. Great work! Great fun!

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